Connected Path supports Turn the Talk's Diversity in Public Speaking Report

In March Connected Path joined forces with Acceleration Partners and announced the launch of diversity initiative Turn the Talk, aimed at the performance marketing industry. The launch was supported with a survey open to all.

The survey asked respondents to comment on their feelings towards public speaking, perceived barriers and how inclusive and freely available the opportunities are.

A report, with full results and analysis has been released today.

What were the 5 most important stats we learnt from the report?

  1. 42% of respondents have never spoken at a professional event

  2. 80% of those who have spoken at an event have worked in the industry for over 5 years

  3. 34% of people have turned down a speaking opportunity due to lack of confidence

  4. 76% have never received any formal coaching or training on public speaking

  5. 74% of respondents would like more opportunities to speak at professional events.

We’ve had an overwhelming number of people come forward to comment on how the initiative has resonated with them. The aim of the survey was to assess the scope of the challenge faced to make industry events more diverse, with a particular focus on how individuals felt about public speaking. Gathering this feedback from the industry as the first step has helped us to understand and identify the areas that people want to see addressed next.

For more information on Turn The Talk please visit the website